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Agree to Terms (Forms)

Content is provided for general information only. It is distributed with the understanding that is does not constitute legal, accounting, or other professional advice. While it is the intent for the forms and publications to provide current and accurate material, neither the Rental Association of Wenatchee Valley nor any party will assume liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on content of this form or publication. The law is not clear cut, but is subject to interpretation. Formal legal advice and review is recommended prior to selection and & use of any provided form.

RAWV does not represent your selection or execution of any form as appropriate for your specific circumstances. Landlord and tenant are each advised to seek independent legal advice on matters arising from use of any form. These forms are for use by Rental Association of Wenatchee Valley members only. No representation is made as to the sufficiency or tax consequences from use of any form. If the applicant or tenant signs anything, they need a copy of it!!