Landlords helping landlords in North Central Washington
Your source for industry news, best practices, and help with compliance
The Rental Association of Wenatchee Valley is an organization of property owners in North Central Washington. The purposes of the organization are:
- Advance the general welfare of the rental industry.
- Participation in local and state government.
- Cooperation with local and state housing authorities.
- Protect rental owners from unfair city, county, and state legislation.
- Advocate a “Code of Ethics” to maintain high professional standards and sound business methods among members for the benefit of the industry and the public.
Landlord Tenant laws change frequently, and Rental Association of Wenatchee Valley constantly updates forms and best-practice information to assure your business has the tools to be compliant.
RAWV Board and members actively participate with the Washington Landlord Association and their lobby team to work with legislators and contact those instrumental in drafting laws that affect our industry. Join now for access to forms, information and networking opportunities!
Industry Updates
HB 1217 Rent Control Hearing | March 19, 2025 at 1:30 p.m.
We have to make our voices heard! In person attendance is extremely helpful. If you can, testify in Olympia at the hearing next Wednesday, March 19th. Testify in-person, click here Testify…
SB 5222 HEARING || Wednesday, January 22 at 1:30 p.m.
SB 5222 HEARING || Wednesday, January 22 at 1:30 p.m. A briefing will take place in the Legislative Building at the seal at 11am. Sign in Opposition to Rent Control Urging all Members to Testify in the …
2024 End of Session Legislative Recap
Last week the Washington State Legislature concluded with Sine Die (end of session, literal Latin meaning is “without a day”) for this year’s 60 day “short session” which began on Monday, January 8 and ended on Thursday, March 7. Governor Inslee has 20…
Landlord Resources
2025 Membership Meeting Schedule:
NEXT: January 21th
May 20th
September 16th
November 19th
Program begins at 6pm
Meetings are at the
Celebration Lutheran Church meeting room
801 8th St NE, East Wenatchee, WA 98802
Light Snacks will be available at 5:30 to enjoy while networking